This little party favor/decoration only has a few ingredients, but it makes a cute end result! With a little patience, I was able to make these little lego heads for my son's birthday party - they turned out a hit!
All you need are:
- 1 bag Yellow candy melts
- 1 bag regular marshmallows
- 1 bag mini marshmallows
- lollipop sticks
- your choice frosting (optional)
I started with my marshmallows. Originally, I was going to cut the minis in half and stick them to the bigs with frosting, but it's really not necessary bc the minis have their own stickiness when you cut them, and they worked just fine later on. So I didn't use the frosting, but if you weren't going to cut the minis, I would definitely go with the frosting.
After sticking my minis to the bigs and putting them on the lollipop stick, I put them in my super-fancy lollipop holder (i.e. a Cap'n Crunch box with holes in it that I made from a screwdriver - yay for using what you have!!)
Then it was my nemesis. The candy melts. For some reason, I have conquered the Almond Bark, but candy melts still allude me. They just don't melt to that drippy consistency for me. I've tried stove & microwave & neither one gets it how I want it. This time was closer, but still not drippy. Anywho. Melt the candy melts and dip the marshmallow pops in the melts.
I then used a knife to smooth the coating around until it looked good (enough) - ha.
Now, several sources online said to use these for the faces. I tried them and I can't say I loved how it turned out. So, I bought a sparkle gel writer that gave me better results for what I was looking for.
The only trick with the sparkle gel was to be very careful not to use too much & watch for drips.
They were perfect for the party!